Know why is Affordable to Pursue a Degree in France

In the previous years to study abroad used to be a rich person’s game as the cost was not affordable by all and there wasn’t any craze to secure an abroad degree, but thanks to the constantly popping up new programs and lots of scholarships and grants available, the financial investment is much less than what it used to be.  The cost is usually the primary reason why students don’t study abroad, but there is a huge misconception about the actual price and exactly how to reasonably pay for it. If you’re looking out for studying abroad in France but are concerned about the price tag, we will give away strategies to study at a low cost in France.

Read on to understand how it is affordable to study in France.

1. Apply for scholarships to study abroad in France

The first way to study in France for free is to apply for free money! Because it’s one of the most popular places to study abroad, rest assured that there are tons of France study abroad scholarships. Be sure to check first with your home university about general study abroad scholarship information and ask specifics about scholarships to study abroad in France. If you are a French major or minor, you might also be eligible for departmental scholarships to study abroad in France as well.

2. Check out program discounts and scholarships

Meaningful travel providers don’t want to bankrupt you, they want to show you the world! So, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that many actually offer their own scholarships for program participants. Most are usually in the $500-$1,000 range, but some based on academic merit will give you way more. Some program providers will also offer discounts for early applicants, so keep an eye on application due dates and be sure to apply as early as you can. The early bird really does catch the worm when it comes to study in France for international students for free!

3. Sign up for an internal or university-sponsored program

If your university has a studying abroad program in France that’s just for students at your school, chances are any financial aid you’ve been awarded will carry over for this. The bulk of the study abroad cost usually comes from third-party program fees where financial aid doesn’t apply, since they are not part of your university. Talk to a study abroad advisor at your university to find out what programs are available directly through your school, and if it’s possible to study in France AT AN affordable cost.

4. Find universities that don’t charge tuition for international students

Few countries in Europe offer free public education while some even include international students in this, not just the residents. The education offered in France is way too cheaper compared to US and Australia. This requires you enrol directly into the university though, not through a third-party program provider, but if saving money and learning French are your goals, this will surely get you there.

A quick view of Best France Universities according to the Financial Times Ranking 2019-

Sl No
Name of the University/College
Skema Business School
NEOMA Business School
Rennes School of Business
Excelia Group, La Rochelle (La Rochelle Business School)
Burgandy School of Business
EM Strasbourg Business School
Institut Superieur du commerce de Paris- ICS

The best part is that, the above list of universities in France for International students not only offer the best courses but also teach those courses in English. So, you need not worry about preparing for French before leaving your home country anymore.

Now that you have got to know the benefits of studying in France, you can consider it as the one of the best European destinations.

Keep following our page to know more about the higher education abroad.
See you soon. Bonjour!